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Meet Felton Brown, Joi Brown, Branden Jones & Reina Jones, Owners of Alpha International Transport

Alpha International Transport Redefines Logistics with Inclusivity, Positivity, and Purpose
Owners of Alpha International Transport

Each night, while your head rests against your pillow, the unsung heroes of the freight world silently do the vital work of transporting goods across the region. Like modern day merchants of the Nile, they ferry goods from one corner of the world to our backyards.

In November of 2021, Alpha International Transport launched a business during the pandemic and boldly went into an industry that was flailing. "We ran into the fire to help put it out while most people were running away from it," founding member Felton Brown says. Alpha is a freight brokerage and logistics firm run by husband and wife team Felton and Joi Brown, and Branden Jones and Reina Jones. They serve manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, transporting goods from the Port of Miami to warehouses and retail stores. 

The significance of Alpha's contribution is undeniable — they are the invisible force responsible for bringing the flowers, apples, and medicine we purchase to the shelves of local retail stores. It’s estimated that in the Miami area, nearly 10,215,766 tons were hauled by trucks in 2022. It’s a 24/7 business connecting the dots between shippers and warehouses to get products to their final destination.

Success in the freight industry begins with the right connections. Joi explains, "The freight brokerage world is very hectic, energy is high, and it's a lot of what some may call negative energy because of the day-to-day antics and competition. It can feel mean. But we make it our business to smile at Alpha." While smiling might seem small, it significantly impacts an industry with a strong undercurrent of stress, cold calls, people hanging up, and regularly hearing "get lost" in more colorful terms.

But that's not how Alpha views it. Alpha has created a culture of fun, aiming to serve the community, make a profit, and maximize the opportunity to be the bold authors of their destiny. 

Everyone has a voice at Alpha. Opinions are valued and considered. As new entrants in a fiercely competitive landscape, they actively seek out knowledge, which proved instrumental to their early survival. Faced with escalating operational and insurance costs, Alpha prioritized relationship-building within the industry, a strategic choice that bore fruit when circumstances improved. 

Felton states, “You have to be connected to the right people with the overseas suppliers bringing the freight over. Custom brokers, freight forwardersm and Non-Vessel Operations Common Carriers call us because we have the right relationships. We view it as great friendships and doing good business with our friends.”

To say Felton is inspiring is an understatement. Like many entrepreneurs, he started young, delivering newspapers, collecting cans to trade at the junkyard, and cutting grass. At 15 years old, Felton experienced a heartbreaking injury while playing high school football. He broke his neck and was told he would be paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life. 

Through determination and grace, Felton gained some mobility. When he entered the workforce, he found being in a wheelchair disadvantaged him compared to other job seekers. He realized his destiny was to provide opportunities instead of accepting them. A man of deep faith, Felton feels it's his God-given mission to inspire others. He and Joi embody the values of Alpha to be customer-service oriented and courageously push forward in the face of adversity.

Inspired by their connection to Miami-Dade, the founders pursue personal missions that resonate with Alpha's values. Joi's inspiration is her daughter. "I encourage women to sit at the table. Their names can be before 'CEO' and 'CFO.' We're strong, and we got it like that. We can be the leaders of the community and of movements because we are the backbone and the tree branch to the next legacy." 

Felton wants to foster an inclusive environment for people with disabilities and is exploring opportunities to create freight agent jobs for blind and impaired people. Branden Jones aims to reduce recidivism on a greater level by giving returning citizens another chance in society for gainful employment and redemption. He's hoping to develop a program for Correctional Facilities to train inmates for freight brokerage work and give them opportunities at Alpha. 

In a cut-throat industry, Alpha's approach is refreshingly collaborative. They’re forming intentional relationships across the community and supply chain, connecting with manufacturers, carriers, suppliers, and distributors. Those who could see them as competitors instead view them as partners. From Felton’s point of view, “We’re not working against ourselves to make magic happen. We’re not battling uphill.”

Felton and Joi's unwavering commitment to their community has garnered notable support from Miami-Dade County resources. In 2022, Alpha participated in the inaugural Business Innovation Start-up “BizUp” Grant, securing a substantial $100,000 prize. It was a turning point for their business, Felton says, “Winning the 100k from StartUP FIU was a surreal moment our team worked hard preparing our pitch watching countless episodes of Shark Tank to convey our message of service, cause and profit. We're proud of ourselves and we look forward to great success for the purpose of inspiring our community at large and providing opportunity.” 

Part of Alpha’s secret sauce of success is prioritizing knowledge over capital. Alpha navigated recent economic challenges with resilience by leveraging local resources. They've received valuable support from the Miami-Dade Business Navigator Program, Axis Helps, and Branches, and became members of the Beacon Council and the Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce. 

In the local freight world, Alpha is a leader of positive change, inspiring others with their unwavering dedication, community-driven focus, and steadfast belief in unity. As the team behind the scenes, they create positive ripples throughout the industry and community they diligently serve.

You can learn more about Alpha International Transport at:

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Written by Emily De Armas

Photo provided by Alpha International Transport